The Large Scale Structure
In this note, I organized the lectures from Prof. Huiyuan Wang’s course “the Large-scale Structures” and made some adjustments to the sequence of the taught material according to my own preferences. While compiling these notes, Professor Mo’s book “Large-scale Structures” also played a significant role.
The content of these notes is as follows.
- Chapter 1: Basic knowledge of cosmology.
- Chapter 2: Brief introduction to linear theory.
- Chapter 3: Methods and systematic errors in testing cosmology and linear theory, as well as probing the cosmic density fields.
- Chapter 4: Introduction to some nonlinear theories, including the Spherical Collapse Models, PS (Press-Schechter) theory, and EPS (Excursion Set Press-Schechter) theory.
General Relativity
In preparation…
Teaching Assistant
- Fall 2022: Classical Mechanics lectured by Prof. Yi Wang
- Spring 2023: Thermal Physics lectured by Prof. Hong Zhu
I have also listed learned courses and their grades on this page .